Our Works
Architectural visualization and animation studio
- Urban Group
- «City of embankments». Architect - M.B. Atayants. 2011
- Tsimailo Lyashenko Partners
- Elite residential complex on Savinskaya Embankment
- Tsimailo Lyashenko Partners
- Elite residential complex on Savinskaya Embankment
- Walter Knoll
- Deutche Bank office
- Stone Hedge
- Clubhouse «Story»
- Tsimailo Lyashenko Partners
- Conception of Guggenheim Museum in Helsinki
- Tsimailo Lyashenko Partners
- Conception of Guggenheim Museum in Helsinki
- Michael Bendus
- Residential house in Moscow suburbs. 2013
- Active Center
- Clubhouse on Gazetne lane
- Conception of Guggenheim Museum in Helsinki
- Conception of Guggenheim Museum in Helsinki
- Tsimailo Lyashenko Partners
- Competitive project of Russian Olympic Committee building visualisation
- Tsimailo Lyashenko Partners
- Competitive project of Russian Olympic Committee building visualisation
- Tsimailo Lyashenko Partners
- Competitive project of Russian Olympic Committee building visualisation
- Tsimailo Lyashenko Partners
- Competitive project of Russian Olympic Committee building visualisation
- Tsimailo Lyashenko Partners
- Competitive project of Russian Olympic Committee building visualisation
- Sergey Skuratov Architects
- Premium residential complex «Capital Towers»
- Sergey Skuratov Architects
- Premium residential complex «Capital Towers»
- Capital Group
- Premium residential complex «Capital Towers»
- Capital Group
- Premium residential complex «Capital Towers»
- Vesper
- Clubhouse «Brodsky»
- Vesper
- Clubhouse «Brodsky»
- Multifunctional complex «Chkalov»
- Multifunctional complex «Chkalov»
- Tsimailo Lyashenko Partners
- Apartments «Chekhov»
- Tsimailo Lyashenko Partners
- Elite residential complex in Savinskaya Embankment
- Tsimailo Lyashenko Partners
- Elite residential complex in Savinskaya Embankment
- Pavel Polikarpov Architects
- Office of Baring Vostok Capital Partners
- Pavel Polikarpov Architects
- Office of Baring Vostok Capital Partners
- Ferro Estate
- Club residence - Reef Residence
- Ferro Estate
- Club residence - Reef Residence
- Stanley Reich
- The concept of the resort town «Tramplin», Krasnaya Polyana, Sochi
- KR Properties
- Hotel complex with apartments in Moscow
- Sergey Skuratov Architects
- Premium residential complex in Moscow
- Neostroy
- «Turgenev» residential house
- Stanley Reich
- Conception of town planning design P-Grad visualization
- Bolshaya Dmitrovka IX
- Bolshaya Dmitrovka IX
- Portner Architects
- Retail park. 2017
- Portner Architects
- Retail park. 2017
- Special One
- Residential Complex «Privelegia»
- Special One
- Residential Complex «Privelegia»
- Special One
- Residential Complex «Privelegia»
- Stanley Reich
- Conception of town planning design «P-Grad»
- Stanley Reich
- Conception of town planning design «P-Grad»
- Stanley Reich
- Resort «Matlas» Conception
- Tsimailo Lyashenko Partners
- Elite Residential Complex in Vavilova Street
- Tsimailo Lyashenko Partners
- Elite Residential Complex in Vavilova Street
- Tsimailo Lyashenko Partners
- Elite Residential Complex in Vavilova Street
- Tsimailo Lyashenko Partners
- Residential building conception in Moscow
- Tsimailo Lyashenko Partners
- Residential building conception in Moscow
- UM Architects
- Energy production company office
- Architectural bureau ATP
- Cultural Entertainment Center
- Architectural bureau ATP
- Cultural Entertainment Center
- Stanley Reich
- Ruhr Park Bochum shopping center
- AB Project
- «Aviapark»
- Tsimailo Lyashenko Partners
- Development concept of Serebryaniy Bor
- Tsimailo Lyashenko Partners
- Development concept of Serebryaniy Bor
- Keylight
- Creative work
- Keylight
- Creative work
- Tsimailo Lyashenko Partners
- The tender offer of «Gazprom office complex» 1 place
- «Bolshaya Dmitrovka IX»
- «Bolshaya Dmitrovka IX»
- Tsimailo Lyashenko Partners
- Housing estate «Rublevo Park»
- Tsimailo Lyashenko Partners
- Housing estate «Rublevo Park»
- Tsimailo Lyashenko Partners
- Housing estate «Rublevo Park»
- Chief Architect - M.Filippov
- «Gorky Gorod» 2010
- Chief Architect - M.Filippov
- «Gorky Gorod» 2010
- Chief Architect - M.Filippov
- «Gorky Gorod» 2010
- Chief Architect - M.Filippov
- «Gorky Gorod» 2010
- Chief Architect - M.Filippov
- «Gorky Gorod» 2010
- Chief Architect - M.Filippov
- «Gorky Gorod» 2010
- Chief Architect - M.Filippov
- «Gorky Gorod» 2010
- Chief Architect - M.Filippov
- «Gorky Gorod» 2010
- Vesper
- Clubhouse «Bunin»
- Vesper
- Apartments «Chekhov»
- Vesper
- Apartments «Chekhov»
- Tsimailo Lyashenko Partners
- Home for elderly people project visualisation
- Tsimailo Lyashenko Partners
- Residential house «Maiendorf»
- Tsimailo Lyashenko Partners
- Residential house «Maiendorf» 2011
- ABD architects
- Kaspersky office
- ABD architects
- Kaspersky office
- ABD architects
- Kaspersky office
- ABD architects
- Kaspersky office
- Vesper
- Clubhouse «Nabokov»
- Architect - V. Kuzmin
- Housing estate «Zaycevo»
- AvroraGroup
- «Inter RAO UES» еnergy company office
- Reich und Wamser GbR
- Pavel Polikarpov architectural workshop
- Superautomarket «Formula 91»
- Reich und Wamser GbR
- DOUGLAS shop competitive project
- Architectural Group DNK
- «Empire Tower» tender project
- Tsimailo Lyashenko Partners
- Residential complex at Bersarina Street, Moscow
- Tsimailo Lyashenko Partners
- Shopping complex in Balashiha
- Tsimailo Lyashenko Partners
- «Zilart» residential complex
- Tsimailo Lyashenko Partners
- «Zilart» residential complex
- Reich und Wamser GbR
- LLOYD Corner, Düsseldorf International Airport, Germany
- Alexey Kozyir Architectural Workshop
- Conception of arctic greenhouse «Mak Polyarniy»
- UM Architects
- Shopping center at Moscow region, Chekhov
- Tsimailo Lyashenko Partners
- Competitive project of Multi-functional complex in Central Administrative District of Moscow
- The reconstruction project of hotel Ritz restaurant
- Reich und Wamser GbR
- Heinemann Shop project
- Reich und Wamser GbR
- Private Residence in Berlin
- Reich und Wamser GbR
- Villa in Italy
- ICM company
- Business Centre
- ICM company
- Business Centre
- ICM company
- Business Centre
- ICM company
- Business Centre
- ICM company
- Business Centre
- Tsimailo Lyashenko Partners
- Residential complex «Quarters 21/19» project
- Tsimailo Lyashenko Partners
- Residential complex «Quarters 21/19» project
- «Special One» creative agency
- Residential complex «Legenda» in Komendantskiy,58
- «Special One» creative agency
- Residential complex «Legenda» in Komendantskiy,58
- «Special One» creative agency
- Residential complex «Legenda» in Komendantskiy,58
- Polegraph
- Ski resort presentation located on Baikal Lake
- Elitstroy
- Hotel Complex at Shevchenko Street
- Elitstroy
- Hotel Complex at Shevchenko Street
- Renaissance Development
- Multi-purpose complex NEVA TOWERS
- Renaissance Development
- Multi-purpose complex NEVA TOWERS
- Renaissance Development
- Multi-purpose complex NEVA TOWERS
- Renaissance Development
- Multi-purpose complex NEVA TOWERS
- Renaissance Development
- Multi-purpose complex NEVA TOWERS
- Renaissance Development
- Multi-purpose complex NEVA TOWERS
- Architectural group DNK
- Conception of «Luzhniky» Swimming-pool reconstruction
- Renaissance Development
- Многофункциональный комплекс «NEVA TOWERS»
- Renaissance Development
- Многофункциональный комплекс «NEVA TOWERS»
- Tsimailo Lyashenko Partners
- Visualization of the concept of building Tushino airfield
- ABD architects
- Miratorg company office
- Tsimailo Lyashenko Partners
- Residential complex «Kvartal 9-18»
- Anastasiya Yanko
- Flat in the centre of Moscow
- Vesper
- ST. NICKOLAS - Apartments
- Vesper
- ST. NICKOLAS - Apartments
- Tsimailo Lyashenko Partners
- Conception of Residential building in Ordinskiy Blind Alley
- Tsimailo Lyashenko Partners
- Housing estate «Rublevo Park»
- Tsimailo Lyashenko Partners
- Housing estate «Rublevo Park»
- Tsimailo Lyashenko Partners
- Housing estate «Rublevo Park»
- Tsimailo Lyashenko Partners
- Private residence
- Tsimailo Lyashenko Partners
- Жилой дом в Серебряном бору
- Vesper
- Vesper
- Vesper
- Tsimailo Lyashenko Partners
- Private residence. 2017
- Tsimailo Lyashenko Partners
- Private residence. 2017
- Vesper
- Clubhouse «Bunin»
- Vesper
- Clubhouse «Bunin»
- Vesper
- Clubhouse «Bunin»
- Keylight
- Concept
- Keylight
- Concept
- Keylight
- Concept
- Keylight
- Creative work
- Neostroy
- «Turgenev» residential house
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